Swaying Flowers

limited edition of 750 copies
64 color plates

cloth on hardcover, embossed
text ; Japanese and English
book design ; Katsuya Kato
size ; 275mm x 230mm x 18mm
release date ; 1 December 2023
with leaflet 
text by Yuzu Murakami

roshin books 2023
ISBN 978-4-909742-04-9

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retail price : 6,800 JPY
swaying flowers

roshin booksが今回、そのayakaendoの初の写真集として出版する作品は、遠藤が大学卒業時に製作した大型の手製本をリメイクしたものである。さまざまなカメラで撮影された遠藤の作品にとって重要なモチーフである花の写真を布に転写し、その周辺を自ら裂くという手作業を施した作品。

1994年生まれ。 東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科デザイン専攻修了。 東京を拠点に写真家として活動している。 主な個展に「Kamuy Mosir」(Kitte丸の内、東京/2021)、「The belief in Spritual Beings」(Nadiff Gallery、東京/2022)、「when I see you, you are luminous」(Tokyo International Gallery、東京/2023)など。主なグループ展に「遊歩する分人」(MA2 Gallery、東京/2022)がある。写真新世紀2021 佳作入賞 (オノデラユキ選)。
Ayaka Endo, also known as 遠藤文香 Ayaka Endo, is an artist who has been recognized for her expression activities that materialize an animistic world. She is regarded as one of the promising a photographer, and her future endeavors are highly anticipated. Her influence extends not only in the realm of art but also in the world of fashion, capturing the hearts of a diverse range of generations.
In this publication by roshin books, Ayaka Endo's first-ever photo book, the content is a reimagined version of a collection she created upon her graduation from university. The pieces involve photographs of flowers taken with various cameras, transferred onto fabric through a manual process where Endo herself tears the fabric around the transferred images.
By transferring the form of flowers, exposed to light, onto a soft medium like fabric, and tearing the fabric with her own willpower, the flowers acquire a new shape, and the fabric is torn through Endo's sheer determination, allowing one to grasp the unique present moment. When these images are affixed to paper, that moment becomes eternal.
This work predates Endo's exploration into animism and serves as a crucial key to unraveling her current creations.

呢次roshin books出版嘅ayakaendo嘅首本攝影集,實際上係重新詮釋佢大學畢業時創作嘅作品集。呢啲作品包含使用唔同相機拍攝嘅花卉照片,然後將呢啲影像轉移到布料上,再由遠藤親自手工撕裂周圍嘅布料。