North Point
青森県八戸市生まれの中居は、1976年に細江英公主催のワークショップ写真学校に参加することから写真家としての人生をスタートし、後に森山大道が中心となって始まった自主ギャラリーCAMPのメンバーとなる。CAMPの活動終了の後に、1988年に故郷の八戸市にギャラリー北点(North Point)を作り、八戸で撮影した写真の展示を始めた。
North Pointに収録されている写真は、その頃の八戸の作品を中心に構成されている。森山大道曰く「素朴な記録精神でもなく、単純な郷土愛でもなく、写真家・中居裕恭は、もっと広い視野と深い視点で東北を体感しつつ、自らとその風土に分け入っていきつつあったのだ。」(後書きより)というような中居の見つめる八戸への視線をroshin booksの解釈でいま一度世界で光を当てたいと思いました。
デザイナーに町口覚を迎えての本作「North Point」は、日本の写真集の歴史に刻まれる1冊としてroshin booksが自信を持って製作しました。
Shuji Terayama Museum is pleased to host a joint exhibition by photographers Daido Moriyama Hiroyasu Nakai from April 4 to September 25, 2016. After the sudden death of Nakai in February, 2016, Moriyama, a friend of Nakai's for over 40 years, carefully selected photographs from approximately 500 of Nakai's original prints. “North Point” is the result of this edit.
Hiroyasu Nakai was born in Hachinohe City, Aomori in 1955. He participated in Eikoh Hosoe's WORKSHOP photo school in 1976. Upon graduation, he began a new chapter in his life as a photographer and became a member of CAMP, an artist-run photo group and gallery headed by Moriyama. After he left CAMP, he independently established a photo gallery Hokuten (North Point) in his hometown in 1988, and began exhibition his own work in a series of exhibitions. “North Point” features photos taken in Hachinoche City during Nakai's time there.
Regarding Nakai's pictures Moriyama has said that they are “neither honest reporting nor his love for his hometown. The photographer Hiroyuki Nakai integrated himself into his environment with a deep understanding.” Nakai's perspectives of Hachinohe City are expressed in the publication of “North Point”, published by Roshin books with the assistance of Satoshi Machiguchi, a Japanese art director. “North Point” will surely be regarded as a historically important contribution to the world of photography.
【Profile】 中居裕恭
1955年、青森県八戸市生まれ。1976年、ワークショップ写真学校細江英公教室にて学ぶ。以後フリー。イメージショップ CAMP、プレイスMの活動に参加。1988年より2000年まで「ギャラリー北点」を八戸市に開設、主宰。
Hiroyasu Nakai
1955 Born in Hachinohe city, Aomori prefecture, Japan.
1976 Studied under Hosoe Eikoh at the Workshop Photography School.
Starts freelance career upon graduation.
Became an active member of both Image Shop “CAMP” and Place M.
1988-2000 Established and supervised “Gallery Hokuten” in Hachinohe city.
Held numerous solo and group exhibitions throughout his career as an independent photographer.
2016 Died at age 60.
Publications include: “Town of Hokuto”(IPC, 1991)
“The Remaining Flower”(Wides Shuppan, 2000)