Gen Sakuma Go there

佐久間 元 そこへゆけ


 release in February 2014
first edition of 600 copies
including 67 copies in slipcase with print
80 pages, 67 black & white plates
embossed cloth covered hardcover
H 225mm × W 300mm
text ; Japanese & English
book design ; Katsuya Kato
roshin books 2014
ISBN 978-4-9907230-1-9

1979年生 愛知県出身、佐久間元は東京を拠点として活動するストリートフォトグラファーです。東京を中心に、各地を徘徊し撮影し続けています。そして東京清澄白河にTAP Galleryを創設し精力的に活動しています。2006年の最初の個展から一貫して「そこへゆけ」というタイトルを冠した作品を作り続けていて、今回の写真集が彼のこれまでの活動の集大成となる最初の写真集になります。
 写真集の装丁は、赤い布貼りにうっすらと写真がシルクスクリーンで描かれています。その上にメガネの箔が押されることにより、あたかも写真作品の世界を作家が支配しているかのようにも見えます。また、赤い布貼りの表紙などの他、三方もシルクで赤く塗られ、本そのものは完全に赤色でパッケージングされています。上質のブックデザインに美しい印刷、roshin booksが自信を持ってお薦めできる作品です。

Gen Sakuma (born 1979 in Aichi)
Gen Sakuma is street photographer based on Tokyo. He is taking photograph all over the Tokyo region and he established TAP Gallery in Kiyosumi-Shirakawa Tokyo. A photo book is his compilation of his series of 「Go There」from 2006. He is making this series consistently from his first solo exhibition.
It is little bit different that the scene which he caught through his trademark glasses.
He accumulate the world which take off the land name from the scene by photograph. This visual is the place of his destination that called just there.
this book’s cover was lightly painted photography by silk screen on red fabric and to pressed foil of glasses shape. That’s why It seems Sakuma is dominating the world of this photo book.
Not only cover also a back cover and a spine were painted by red silk. It is completely red.
The beautiful book design and superior printing.This photo book which rosin books can highly recommend with confidence.